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This category contains 53 posts

Parfit’s mountain

Jussi Suikkanen on a long-awaited book that could change our understanding of morality.

The antisocial networker

Jules Holroyd on the motivations of Facebook’s founder.

Review: Motherhood & Fatherhood

Rodger Jackson reviews two books on parenting, but loves them both just the same

Review: Foucault: His Thought, His Character

Benjamin Noys is left slightly mystified by Veyne’s goldfish bowls

Review: The Peacock and the Buffalo

Nina Power’s timely meditations on Nietzsche’s poems

Review: Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs The Humanities

Julian Baggini profits from a book with real impact

Review: The Honor Code

Matthew Pianalto welcomes an account of the role of honour in our moral lives

Review: Philosophy Bites by David Edmonds and Nigel Warburton

Mark Vernon approves of the transition from podcast to book

Review: Living in the End Times

Rob White passes judgement on The Slovenian Horseman of the Apocalypse

Review: The Pathologies of Individual Freedom

Alberto Toscano on an attempt to bring Hegel up to date